
Not a single damn car looks good in harlequin. It’s a kindergarten answer to automotive paint options. Cute once, but that’s it. Instead, everybody needs to fight the good fight and keep screaming for choice / buying colorful cars whenever we can. For just this one thing, let’s go back to 1974:

My grandfather bought a new Bronco II, either an ‘85 or ‘86. He died a few years later, and it sat for about 6 months. My parents aren’t car people, so I was tasked with getting it cleaned up & ready for sale. After an oil change & performing some other deferred maintenance, I took it out for an Italian tuneup.

This will probably get lost in the sauce here but I’ve used Reliable dozens of times shipping cars back/forth across the country for folks. They’re one of the best in the business next to InterCity Lines and the folks I’ve worked with from Reliable have been great. Kind of sucks to see them get this kind of press.

I think this thing would be a hoot at any Cars & Coffee. Also, that 1600 has a lot of potential. Those are great engines.

I used to like the idea of a quiet, electric, self driving car. Then Tesla came along, and they completely destroyed my faith in the idea.

Yeah, the V6 was plenty capable.  I did a Marlboro sponsored ride along at the KY Speedway with my dad once.  You got to do 6 laps around the speedway at speed in the passenger seat of one of the old IROC cars.  It was sweet. The other half of the experience was riding in a drift car around a cone/parking lot track. 

There are a lot of areas inside big cities where certain trucks are not allowed..  which is usually ignored.  Especially by SUV owners who want to treat their vehicle like a Honda Civic when it weighs as much as a commercial delivery truck or more.

I’m not opposed to eating at a place like Carrabba’s. If it’s what you have around you, the food is good, but not great. You’ll pay $13.99 for a well executed pasta dish, and a $7 glass of wine.

You could probably fly to Germany, stay at a nice inn or B&B for a week, buy two of these and ship them to the states and have money left over to have your sanity evaluated by a professional for the cost of this one. No dice.

We could have used something like that in Missouri for Amendment 3. In 2018 voters approved a redistricting process that is more fair and fight gerrymandering. The Republican legislature didn’t like it, so in comes Amendment 3. It was worded so terribly that a judge had to intervene to change some of the wording. I’m

Wow! I was all set to hit the No Dice button based simply on the asking price. That’s a lotta bucks for a nearly 40 YO car that isn’t an exotic . . .

So it has standards and not just “fuck it... autopilot” ?

Are there places where small, more simply made, vehicles are appropriate and we should be looking at enabling that)[?]”

Great comment, I had never thought about that before.

Whether that 32K odo is real or not, it’s still a 20 year-old car with many parts that are (still) 20 years old. $7K for something that isn’t particularly rare/special/pretty is too much.

Start from $4K and work from there.

This. My Accord is nearing 300k and the drivers seat and arm rest are in better shape.  Too many questions on this one.  

I’m extremely suspicious of a 20 year old car with mileage this low and a beat up interior. Something doesn’t add up here.

We’ve got some weird little electric vans used for urban mail distribution in Norway. Useless on highways? Yes. A poor choice for rural routes? Yes. Superior to the big diesel trucks in dense residential/urban areas? Also yes.

In other words, have we in North America been a little too “one size fits all” in our approach to transportation.

How dare you suggest that every American family doesn’t need a 7 seat suv for the Mrs and short bed crew cab pick up for the Mr.