
This is an excellent point, blanket bans are not practical, rather some signage and common sense should be applied on individual streets

Torque and gear reduction

What I remember most about being in Houston was that everyone drove at least an F-150 sized vehicle and had a cell phone in hand at all times.

Most people who heat with wood, do live in rural areas, so yeah, he probably does.   I love electric saws for light duty work and I think they’re the future, but right now, if you have a full day of wood cutting or if you’re a logger, battery saws won’t cut it just yet.  Give it time and the tech will catch up.  Just

3rd Gear: Why don’t we take the obvious step nationally and ban all two-stroke engines? They’re absolutely filthy, smoke like your old-ass uncle who will never die despite living off a diet of cigarettes and cheap whiskey, and they create an unbearable racket. That seems like the lowest hanging fruit on the

This one isnt even misleading. Its a full blown lie. Autopilot is ambiguous at best, but calling it Full Self Driving and then in the same sentence saying that it isnt full self driving is batshit insane and dangerous

That is not the point at all. This has nothing to do with its capabilities. It has everything to do with the fact that it still requires full vigilance from the driver, and as such is not a full self-driving system. Read the damn article. It’s free!

These things run like cockroaches, and are just about as hard to kill. Except for rust attacking the front subframes. And hopefully this pickle-colored Dodge in Houston is devoid of that.

An idiot doing idiotic things might not suggest that he isn’t “..the average american who buys an expensive car by EARNING the $$$...”??? Clearly you haven’t met the majority of wealthy Americans, those who cheated, stole, defrauded, inherited, lucked into, married into, fell into through connections, or at the very

The transmission is also a torque converter automatic...

For parts, I’ll have my wife’s uncle make them from scratch. I’m sure there are shops that specialize in fabricating parts for these. Join the historical auto club near you and use those resources!

I don’t draw the line, because there’s no point and it doesn’t matter. A TRUE SPORTS CAR HAS BLAH BLAH BLAH. 

MACs auto parts actually has lengthy catalogues of remanufactured parts you can buy.

One of the nice things about cars of this vintage is that so many of the non-engine/trans parts are perfectly appropriate to be made in house. Wooden spokes were still commonly replaced at the local Wheelwright, a cracked running board by a finish carpenter, etc.

Yes, the trend in showing today is preserved, not restored. This car seems to be in top form, and a bargain at $18,000

You will of course join the owner’s club.  This thing is a screaming good deal.

Here’s the thing: this body style was literally marketed by Cadillac as a sedan. This was to differentiate it from the open-top Phaeton. This particular model is the five-passenger sedan. There was also a longer-roof edition that could hold seven.

This V-63 Sedan is claimed in its ad to be a well-preserved survivor, having never been restored.

I have absolutely no way to call this one with any degree of serious objectivity. I don’t think I could even start this car, let alone drive it properly.

Do my eyes deceive me?!? is this an AOTD without any angry disagreement? Maybe it's still early but wow, that's surprising.