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    This thing is a 3 wheeled death trap with none of the benefits of being on a motorcycle. 

    Ugh - I’m so tired of Musk’s constant drip of “pay attention to me” games. It’s like he’s become addicted to attention. 

    I think you are overlooking a series of factors that have broken the healthcare system - including parasitic relationships that have evolved like insurance companies that now routinely make treatment decisions based not on the patient’s doctor’s advice, but on the basis of procedures and policies that are designed to

    1st Gear:

    Comments like this make me want to scream.

    Yeah - that’s not one of Toyota’s better bits of marketing. 

    I’m not seeing a big problem here. When Kia first showed up as a brand here, the running joke was “Who would buy a car that was Killed In Action?”.

    Two of mine are more “technologies that went away” for no particularly explicable reason:

    Somehow, I suspect that’s skirting the edges of “street legal”, and just hacking off the unwanted metal bits of a car with a sawzall does not a “dune buggy” make.

    Odd - my partner has an ‘08 Rio and the insurance repaired it after a moderate severity collision a few years ago.

    No wonder AMC bankrupted themselves - they revised this model pretty much every 2 years from 1958 onwards.  Did they ever recover the cost of retooling? 

    I had a 2nd gen Mazda6. It was fine ... until it wasn’t. A whole slew of things started going all at once on it - and they weren’t small items, it was all high cost.

    A few quick thoughts:

    “NASCAR handling” - no, I don’t think anybody ever compared those things to that.  

    Fundamentally, the Olds was basically a slightly dressed up version of the Chevy equivalents (yay badge engineering).

    Price looks steep enough to be ND territory.

    Huh - a one-off custom build that got seriously damaged 25 years ago, you say?

    Show me the collector demand for old Fairmonts, then you can start talking about appreciating value. Otherwise, you have an incredibly pedestrian car that nobody cared about much in the first place.

    High school memory - guy has a fancy Datsun Z car (240 or 260, don’t remember which) done up in pseudo rally trim with a bank of the big Hella lamps on the front.  One day, pulling out of the parking lot decides to “give a show” by turning them all on at once ... the alternator made a choice between powering the

    If this thing was a Jeep, and had more rust, Dave Tracey would be calling a “Holey Grail”.