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    Re: Chevy Bolt Recalls

    Hard ND.

    It still makes no sense - within the VAG stable, you’ve already got a respectable executive sedan or two, why did VW think that this was a good idea? I remember looking at one of these in the showroom, and thinking to myself “VW thinks they’re going to get $100K for one of these?”

    I never did understand the business rationale behind this car.  It’s essentially an Audi A8 with VW badging ... and all of the wonky over-engineered bits that VW became notorious for.  Who did they think was going to pony up the bucks for one of these in the first place?  

    $3K for a Saturn?

    They’re very similar to the factory wheels on those things. 

    The lack of engine shots is also concerning. 

    Came here to say pretty much this.  

    There used to be a used oil recycling plant in Calgary (look up ‘Hub Oil’). I’m not sure what their process involved to take used oil and make it usable again, but I suspect it involved more than just shoving it through a bunch of filter screens ... especially given the way the plant exploded.

    Nice car, lousy price. ND.

    It’s a 30 year old car - and a fairly pedestrian one at that. None of those are “end of the world” faults in a car that old. I’m pretty sure Dave Tracy has bought cars far newer than that with more severe problems.

    NP ... but I’d never buy it.  GM’s “parts bin” vehicles have a long, sordid history of being long on promises, and short on delivery.  

    Performance isn’t entirely surprising - old Beetles weren’t exactly rocket sleds either.  This thing is trying to compete with econoboxes. 

    For the right person, this is one hell of a find.

    Spell Topaz backwards, and you got a sense of where Ford had gone when they rolled that godawful POS off the line.

    She did this with her kid in the car? To hell with the car and her license, she should never be allowed to be a parent. *Ever*.

    Here’s the difference: The iPhone did not provoke such a strong negative reaction from people who saw it. The CyberTruck is hugely polarizing - you either love it or you hate it. (To my eye, it looks like something out of a 70s era sci fi like Damnation Alley - which looked cool ... in 1979)

    For some people, it’s the journey not the destination.

    I’m going to be absolutely blunt:

    ND - flakey transmission problems aren’t just a red flag.