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    Hard ND.

    If you’re on a motorcycle and a hailstorm breaks open above you, get to the nearest shelter you can find - if that’s an underpass, so be it. 

    The honour of “worst engine” in my experience goes to the 3.3L V6 in the ‘93 Intrepid.  Decent amount of power, but the minute you punched it to pass someone, it would bend a valve ... every goddamn time.    

    There’s a lot of art deco influences in the  designs of those cars (the exception being the Willys), and by the end of the 60s era that had all but disappeared.  I haven’t seen the exhibit, but I wonder if that’s one of the themes they were working with? 

    Strangely, there are more X1/9 survivors than there are TR7s around here.

    This one gets a big ND from me.

    Yes, Checker was iconic. But an “also-ran”? There I have to disagree.

    I sold my bike a couple of years ago - not because I was complacent, but because the ride to get out of the city had gotten absolutely terrifying.  

    I owned an ‘87 Sprint.  The early 90s restyle might have been marginally faster, but mine definitely topped out at around 120 km/h.  (which isn’t a complaint - a 3 cylinder engine the size of a sewing machine propelling the car to 70-odd mph isn’t bad at all)

    There were a good many cars from this era which were not built for anything much over 55 (90 km/h)

    Hard ND.

    In a good number of jurisdictions, being in the driver’s seat is considered “intent” - regardless of whether you had started the car or not.

    So, let me see if I have this straight:

    That’s the car Kylo Ren’s retired, bored uncle bought.

    Ya mean a hatchet job fix on a critical system (that involves things like high pressure liquid and stopping the vehicle) isn’t a good idea?  Whodathunkit? 

    One could make the assertion that the use of Vise Grips shown was in fact criminally stupid ... whether criminal stupidity falls under the domain of the Vice Squad is another matter :-)

    Eh - nice price.

    Great ... another oversized monster that got beaten with an ugly stick.  Hard pass.

    Objectively speaking, I don’t see a whole lot of difference when I examine the cynical use of military force and foreign affairs subversion by any of the US, USSR, or China in the time since WWII ended.

    The US has been militarizing space missions for decades. This is neither a new practice nor a surprise.