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    Went back and watched the video for the song, and they were clearly using the previous generation (4th generation - 65-68 model years) convertible.

    ... and that’s without using the trunk as extra “seating” 

    Lovely example - not quite as barge-like as the T&C wagon, but it works too :-)

    My first thought is that they may not at the outset. Neither the US nor USSR did “permanent manning” of space stations for quite a long time. China will leapfrog that to some extent because they can draw on those past experiences of other nations to figure out the logistics of doing so. 

    I always imagined this being a ‘69-72 Chrysler Town & Country wagon.

    The Vega _earned_ its reputation.

    If he even suspected someone was underneath his truck, he bears some liability.

    70s Malaise hits it pretty hard for me - especially with the domestics. The NA makers were all trying to figure out how to design a small car, and mostly took big car designs and tried to shrink them in the wash. Ford was especially bad for this, with the Granada and Fairmont springing to mind as particularly noxious

    I have no idea why that might happen ... 

    Sort of. At this point, Chrysler is nursing somewhere around half a dozen variants of the LX platform (2-3 of which appear to be currently active), and at most have 1-2 models on version.

    NP - nicely sorted, in good shape overall, and it’s nearing the end of the K platform’s life cycle. Well worth it - especially if you want a convertible to cruise around in the summer.

    Conservatism has become the politics of the cruel. Increasingly, they make it about “how nasty can I get towards everybody else”. We see this across the board, not just in the US GOP, but in the politics of conservative parties everywhere that are connected to the International Democrat Union (IDU).

    NP - even though it’s inevitably going to be a money pit.  However, the XJ-S has always been a car that I like just for its looks.  (and yes, I know that all of them are notorious for engines that ... well ... like to leak vital fluids all over the place.)

    Musk has a very specific vision in mind, and anyone who doesn’t buy into that vision isn’t relevant to him.  

    PIT maneuvers should only be used in extreme situations - in part because they endanger not just the “fleeing” vehicle, but they endanger other people around as well. 


    Passenger to Driver:  “I told you not to order the extra spicy burrito for lunch!” 

    It’s entirely possible this vehicle was being used as part of a money laundering scheme.  

    *sigh* These cars are basically designed to extract more money from people who have money to burn.

    For those that maybe forgot about the 1970s, that was the era of “jacking up” the back end of cars, and lowering the fronts - the reverse of this. Usually this was done to accommodate larger rear wheels, and a few other modifications thought to make the car “handle better”.