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    It’s a hell of a lot easier to figure out a new architecture than it is to master mass production.

    5th Gear: Chile

    I still maintain that if Musk had brought in a team from one of the major manufacturers, he could have solved the production issues about 2+ years ago, and started the company on developing the next generation of their cars.

    A strategy which will survive right up to the point that Audi, Mercedes and a few others get their luxury EV offerings on the market.  Then Telsa’s toast unless they’ve figured out how to scale their manufacturing processes. 

    I’m sure the some people do like it - to me it just looks awful.  

    They didn’t make them in significant volume.  

    Every time I see one of these things, the rear quarters remind me of my brother’s first generation 200SX.   *Ugh*  

    Okay, I’ll bite.  What don’t you like about the 240Z?  

    I did like the 510's hood prop - for a conventional arrangement it worked quite well and was robust.

    Yeah - I know - the sad problem is that so many people haven’t noticed until relatively recently when the gloves came off. 

    I was trying to be kind...

    As far as we can tell, being in an accident with a police car where the driver of the police car was at fault is not an arrestable offense in any state.

    Part of the first generation of SUVs, and not a bad specimen either. A few dings here and there, but at 3 decades in, that’s pretty much expected. The real upside on this one is that it seems pretty well sorted and unmolested by some modder with bigger dreams than budget.

    Yes, many relatively pedestrian modern cars probably can give a 348 a run for its money. Back in the 80s, an MR2 could match the performance of a 308.

    Definitely a specialized market.  Strangely enough, although I’m not the person to try and restore it (way beyond my meagre abilities), I can think of a number of history buffs that would be absolutely fascinated with this thing. 

    I would imagine that the idea of a dead body not being considered a person would correspond with the idea that the person is _dead_ ... but what do I know?

    Somewhat related to Tesla (more for their half-assed attempts at autonomous vehicle), but interesting because this is a company that’s solving the vehicle automation thing in a manner that makes more sense to me:

    As much as I enjoy the “schadenfreude” experience of watching yet another truck get torn apart by the combination of the driver’s negligence and a bridge that’s clearly been there for a long time, this is passing from funny-amusing to “why the fuck aren’t the authorities responsible doing something more than

    At relatively low speeds, lane splitting isn’t all bad. However, at higher speeds, you may not see (or be seen) by a driver wanting to change lanes.

    Ugh ... CP.