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    That’s you - a very individual opinion - in fact, I’d say that most people who hang out here are outliers when it comes to cars. (not in a bad way - just not necessarily representative of the buying public)

    Basically, what this says is that the “Boomer Nostalgia” era of car designs is slowly dying out. I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. Along with the PT Cruiser, Chevrolet HHR, Ford Thunderbird, and a few other retro-styled cars in recent years, it’s time for makers to move on anyhow.

    1st Gear: That’s possibly the first bit of “good news” about Tesla I’ve seen in a long time. (possibly a first sign of self-awareness coming out of Musk, as well)

    ... and they release a design that takes away a useful piece of information for other drivers. Glancing at their mirrors, I can tell if the driver has the mirrors oriented so they can see me or not. This design takes that away. Automation is good, but not always good.

    Looks like they drop into some kind of structure that would be in the dash when the canopy is closed. 

    Hah!  Not even close.

    The difference is qualitative, not quantitative. A base modern day Accord outperforms that GTI, but it will be nowhere near as much _fun_ to drive.


    He demonstrated what he’s made of ... around about the time he started moving the goalposts about.

    *Scraaape* ... and the goalposts move again.

    My favourite will always be the AW11 - in particular the later supercharged variant.  I don’t care if there are faster cars out there, that one _felt_ fast, and the Midnight Blue colour was outstanding on it. 

    How about you go talk to an economist about why and how they structure industry categorization in their analyses.

    No, you decided to lump oil exports in with automotive - something no economist does (you know - the people who actually study this stuff for a living).

    That scraping sound is you moving the goalposts.  I’m done here. 

    “our high tariffs”? JFC - what the hell did you think NAFTA dismantled in the first place? Canada isn’t running around slapping tariffs on things willy-nilly - that’s Trump.

    While this is an automotive-focused website, there’s a lot more to Canada/US trade than car bits - and NAFTA is about more than just car parts. (Remember the old Auto Pact treaty that CAFTA and NAFTA replaced - along with a dozen other agreements?)

    Trade between Canada and the US is not as simple as “one side has a surplus over the other”. It’s multi-faceted, and there are areas where each country has a surplus. To suggest that the US is “hard done by” WRT trade with Canada is to ignore the complexity of our interlinked economies.

    No kidding. No country is going to sign an agreement that isn’t beneficial to its own interests (perceived or otherwise) - and it doesn’t matter how “big” the other party is.

    Back when I was 15 and looking for a first car, I saw one of these languishing in the back of a used car lot. Didn’t think much of it at the time, but today it’s in that long list of cars I passed on that I wish I hadn’t.

    Uhm - I’ve been aware of it since this spring. This is not new to me at all.