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    That depends entirely on what kind of demands the US makes, doesn’t it? 

    That’s basically normal “diplomat speak”. All that they are saying there is that a bilateral discussion is “normal practice”. They are presuming that the rest of the NAFTA talks will be trilateral.  A diplomat wouldn’t say “Canada was frozen out” simply because in that world absolutes are a no-no. 

    I don’t know how you’re getting that interpretation out of the rest of the article.  There is exactly nothing that reflects what you’re saying.  Lots of the usual jabbering about how various bilateral meetings are fairly normal process, but nothing that contradicts the second paragraph. 

    I get it - not everything is worth fixing.  There’s a list on this car that’s fairly long, and considering that new lock barrels aren’t hugely expensive, it sticks in my craw as “I’m driving this car into the ground”, and there isn’t much left between the car and the ground ... 

    Again, you’re looking at it through the “Trump Lens” (basically, “how big a bully can I be”). Canada isn’t stupid, but we don’t take being shoved around very well either.

    You need to read that article more carefully. Paragraph 2 reads as follows:

    Nope - we’ve been excluded on the basis (initially) that the issues being discussed were specific to US-Mexico trade. 

    You fail to understand just how badly that would fuck up the American auto sector.

    It’s been a survivor, that’s for sure. If it didn’t show so much obvious wear (ie: it has clearly been driven hard for a long time), I’d consider it as a project car.

    2nd Gear: Tesla Without Musk?

    1st Gear:

    2nd Gear: That day of reckoning is coming for Musk. The real question is how will it impact the company?  

    A few comments:

    Hard CP for me.

    The difference is the Acura is built by Honda - they’re a little less prone to designing things that are ridiculously complex compared to the Germans. 

    Old Audis are almost always a hard CP for me. However, at this price, the car is more like “drive it until something that makes it undriveable goes sproing”.

    Pretty much this exactly.

    In my books, the MKIII Supra is still one heck of a nice car. It is a decent successor to the MK I and II Supras - both of which are really cruisers more than hard performance cars. It was more an answer to the 280ZX/300ZX cars than anything else - the “luxury/sport” cars that the Thunderbird wanted to be, and kept

    Definitely not daily driver material. This is a “summer only toy” for me. I don’t have that kind of scratch handy, but if I could sink $ on a summer toy car, this would fill the bill.