Oh wow you're that special kind of stupid aren't you
Oh wow you're that special kind of stupid aren't you
I always like to say I never thought I'd miss the days when misspelling "potato" or yelling all funny was enough to torpedo your career in politics
Is the frame rate issue fixed? I haven't really been paying attention
Is the frame rate issue fixed? I haven't really been paying attention
I wonder how long state Republican parties are going to keep bending over backwards to denounce these kinds of people when it's becoming increasingly clear that this is exactly what their base wants
As a composer myself, I have such a hard time processing how anybody who works in the arts could square such reactionary viewpoints with their own well-being as a creator. It just baffles the shit out of me.
Probably my favorite animation moment in the entire game is Geralt’s look of muted horror when Triss tells him he has to wear a doublet to the party they’re going to. Guy fights vampires without batting an eye and THIS is what terrifies him.
How long before some marketing asshole at EA or Ubisoft decides they can charge PC gamers to play at 60 fps?