
“Purity test" is code for being held accountable for your shitty right-wing votes, I guess.

You "vote blue no matter who" people are why we're in this mess in the first place.

If you know someone who supports a 2020 Democrat that doesn't promise - not make vague statements in support of, but PROMISE - Medicare for All, please light them on fucking fire.

“Not as bad as Trump!" is how Trump won, hope that helps.

r/MLS is that way bruh

FYI, no one who uses the term “Eurosnob” should ever be taken seriously.

“Jesus Christ can Deadspin please find someone else to talk about MLS?”

Well, considering all Dems over the age of fucking 40 have proven useless...

Just awful conservative ones.

I'm hoping this goes as well as what he killed it at Liberty University.

I mean, that is all Maddow is good for

There's no reason for anyone on the left to give MSNBC or CNN credibility either tbh

The term “purity test” is code for “being held accountable for one’s shitty record” and no self-respecting adult should ever use it, hope that helps.

“Even the argument that baseball is safer than football doesn’t particularly apply to quarterbacks.”

I would pay out the damn nose for the exact same game being made today.

I’m guessing you don’t give two shits about the “of and for the people” part, which only proves the writer’s point.

I see r/MLS is leaking.

the shame and agony of that night won’t be erased until the very moment the USMNT qualifies for the 2022 World Cup”

Best record =/= best team