
Oh so you're just a resentment-filled asshole, nevermind

Nixon should run in the general on the Working Families Party line.

Time to call em what they are: conservatives.

For the the life of me, I will never, ever understand how so many smart people can be so stupid and entitled as to blame the Green Party for the Democratic Party’s easily avoidable colossal fuckups.

Thank you for showing how the idiotic masses have been manipulated by the uber wealthy into thinking hating unions against their own self-interest.

Uh, alright. Let’s put the fact that she is responsible for far, far, far more human suffering than he is aside.

I, for one, am stunned by this revelation that Hillary Clinton is an awful fucking person that no one should celebrate or hold in any positive esteem whatsoever, and consider it new and exciting fodder for discussion.

Everton fan who was watching as it happened, just a freak accident. McCarthy was trying to block the ball, ended up in precisely the wrong spot as Rondon was winding up to rocket it. Players from both teams immediately knew what happened and play stopped and they all motioned for medical personnel. No ill will or

Legit thought you meant our President

Harriot having to write this makes me so happy.

How exactly does “Uh, no, we don’t want to be a farm league, why should our clubs be permanently stuck as minor league just because you say so?” count as ‘telling MLS to fuck off’?

The league doesn’t improve until the domestic player pool improves. That doesn’t improve until there’s more than just 22-28 clubs for a country the size of Europe with academies developing those players at a young age. A significantly increased amount of clubs (and academies) doesn’t happen until the system opens up,

Imagine if you got as mad at the USSF enabling our shitty situation as you did at a blogger for correctly pointing it out.

It actually is.

The “best athletes” myth in defense of MLS’s monopoly and deliberate mediocrity. That’s quite a stretch.

I still don’t get how people can look at how much of a disappointment the USMNT is and not get that Deadspin’s in the right here.

It’s not trolling. It’s an accurate diagnosis of why the USMNT still sucks after 30 years and why MLS owners are terrible. And every kool-aid drinker in these comment sections or on BigSoccer or on /r/MLS tearing into Haisley for telling the truth is why the situation will never change and we’re permanently fucked.

Shit, I didn’t know he put them on the boat at gunpoint

I can’t wait until we become the kind of soccer nation that stops making excuses for our shitty domestic system and defaulting back to “but look how far we’ve come!!!”.