Sometimes they just need to be tamed.
Dan will remember that.
For the past year, I’ve been reporting and writing a book full of stories about how video games were made. Today,…
Stupid robo dino game on stupid Playstation only. I DIDN’T WANT TO PLAY YOU ANYWAYS.
Netflix should make a documentary about that
Uh...uh.....nah man I’m not like that. I ONLY have Total War: Warhammer, I swear! That doesn’t apply to me at all!
I hope someone towed the driver that he was doing it wrong.
I can’t listen to them while working, because they’re too distracting,I can’t listen to them while playing because playing takes up all my attention and I tend to tune out outside stimuli, and I get super antsy just sitting and listening to a podcast without doing anything else.
The only times I can really see myself…
Roses are red
Well I mean..with the release of DOAX 3VR, I would be lining up too.
I’m udderly amazed at how much Kotaku is milking this Nintendo Switch thing. We get it, y’all are dairy excited. But let’s not lose perspective. Some people have real beef with Nintendo right now, and I have to say, some of that is really a lot of bull. Still, if Nintendo wants to keep up, they really need to hoof it,…
Yes, it basically feels like 21 Jump Street on motorcycles. But I’m completely OK with that.
This sounds like a story with a lot of ups and downs, a few twists and turns, but eventually going off the rails.
I have a degree in cinema studies.