
I really want to pre-order Destiny 2.

It makes me uncomfortable to see how close the seats get to the ceiling and wall when the robot arm rotates them. Otherwise, pretty cool thing.

Fantastic idea and it looks great. However the cymbal sound could get very annoying and irritating after a while.

D.Va bread!

This is cool.

You chose a great title for the book! Pre-ordered on Amazon UK.

This got a snorty laugh out of me.

Luke constantly interrupted Kirk, talked over him and gave him no space to finish his sentences. I want Jason back.


Hey Brian, do you know if any other VR headsets show success in Japan?

Kirk is going to lose it when he hears about this!

I agree. If you base your game on the idea of another person or company and you end up doing most of the development work for said game, it cannot be considered your own developed product. /s

Tatsumi Kimishima should hop on a plane and apologize to her in person, after which he will perform Seppuku in her living room.

Destiny 2

You get the account back, once you pay off the arrears.

Dear Bethesda, if SEGA can do it, why can’t you?

These look awesome.


I pre-ordered mine and got it 2 days ago here in the UK.

Quite the opposite to be honest.