
You make me look forward to Thursdays.

You can either have the cable from your VR device dangling around your feet or the power cable from the backpack PC. In both cases you have a cable dangling around your feet. Result: a backpack PC does not make you move more freely.

This is what happened with Nostalrius and Blizzard, no?

You do not understand intellectual property law.

The Two Worlds universe is boring.

of course he is going with a hawaiian shirt to the coldest state

Can you or someone else please name a few more reasons why Steam sucks? Off the top of my head I can’t think of any. (Completely serious here.)

This surprised me too!

Why are you re-posting your articles if there is no update in them, Luke?

Took a week off work to play this when it comes out. Cannot wait.

Is there any chance that Japan will ever change their censorship laws in this or at least next decade?

Steam is available on Windows, Linux and Mac. You have choices.

Same here.

And yet neither the new Unreal Tournament, Paragon or Shadow Complex are available on any platform other than the Epic Games Launcher on PC.

This comment makes me sad.

Please post a video log for this now and then, just like you did with FFXIV.

Being called an ass by Gabe Newell, that’s gotta burn.

This is your fault Luke. Yes, I am looking at you Luke Plunkett!

If they are using the same shitty FBX import rules like CryEngine does, then this will ultimatively fail - no matter how appealing AWS is.