Mr Ogny

Which women reinforce daily from an early age.

Please. In parts of Europe this is SOP, but people just consider it a part of life.

They’d whine about that here too.

Because the poor woman might incidentally hear something and freak out, as the poster above demonstrated.

Jeez cry a river that you might incidentally hear things.

That’s the important part of this story.

My daughter is a senior in HS, biting her nails waiting for college letters, dear. Reality does suck for you, no?

I know it’s difficult. I’m an electrical engineer by the way, so I do understand recent technology, but the issue isn’t how well buried the item is, but that she brought it in at all. Sure, she most likely would get away with it 99.9999% of the time. She got unlucky, and it got her.

Nope. She would be in trouble for bringing in a bottle of vodka in her purse as well.

So no black “Annie” or “Johnny Storm”?

Isn’t this the fourth or fifth article on this rubbishy topic?

Yeah, they are. And I don’t need to in the case of this school - the school wouldn’t have any grounds at all if they weren’t. Want to have a friendly wager on that?

Agreed, some things teachers can have which students can’t, smokes being the obvious example. Nude photos are not among them at any school I’ve ever seen.

Nude photos are on the list of contraband at my daughter’s public high school, legal or not. If it is in the school policy, and I’ll bet you that it is, it’s contraband. Just like all the other contraband on the list my school has published - many like knives and guns legal for students to own.

It doesn’t matter. A nude photo on school grounds is just as much contraband as a drug, booze, or a gun a student might have to go looking for. Are you truly this irrational?

It really doesn’t matter how it got loose - she failed to control it. If she had a bottle of vodka in her purse, and some kid stole it and got drunk, she’d STILL BE IN TROUBLE for bringing a bottle of vodka into the school.

Doesn’t matter. It was on SCHOOL PROPERTY that SHE brought the photo. Like other contraband, how it gets found out is irrelevant to her guilt in the issue.

I’m not excusing what the kid did, he should be punished for what HE did. But that isn’t a defense for what SHE did.

No, if the TEACHER brought illegal narcotics into the school, the district might very well find itself liable as well. If the kid stole the narcotics from her purse, the fact that he invaded her privacy won’t be any defense for her.

Nope. This is a school. Keeping drugs or a gun in your bedroom drawer is a little different than bringing either into the school. The form of the photo doesn’t matter - especially since she failed to keep control of it. They are banned in schools, she likely would have gotten away with it, but she got caught because

A nude photo is contraband, and you know it. It matters not whether it was on a stolen Polaroid or a stolen cell phone. She brought it into the school.

She very likely violated school policy with respect to such contraband in the schools.