Don’t bring nudies into school.
Don’t bring nudies into school.
It got loose. It doesn’t matter why the CONTRABAND got loose. It could have been any number of other types of CONTRABAND and the result would be no different.
No, they unfortunately don’t. And I just went through a whole wheel bought direct since the holidays.
Is cash against school policy? If it were drugs the kid stole from the teacher, would it be different in your mind?
It’s worse than a car. It’s as if she brought the folders into the school.
If she brought the Polaroid into the school, and it got found, she’d still have screwed up.
Nope. For bringing that sexuality into the classroom.
But not. Nudes aren’t allowed in (most) schools, so she violated policy all on her own.
And the district likely has policies about bringing nudes into the school.
Why? He was right.
Don’t bring nudes to school is very likely spelled out in policy in black and white.
Oh the kid deserves punishment, but she’s really not a “victim”. She has the major part in this through her own actions.
I agree firing seems extreme, but then, we didn’t see the actual photo....
Doesn’t matter, anymore than if she’d brought some other form of contraband to school in her purse. If it gets out it’s on you.
They don’t sell Maytag Blue though...
And that is a reasonable reason. She brought in a nude photo, failed to supervise it properly, and it got out. Too bad.
She took the photo, and she, in violation of school policy, brought it into the school. If she’d brought drugs in for example, she still wouldn’t be the victim just because she’d left them in her purse.
Yep, the poor dear just had to bring a nude photo into the school against school policy.
She’s mostly a victim of her own stupidity in bringing a nude photo into the school.
200 dollars isn’t against school policy. A nude photo very likely is. Don’t bring them to school in any form. She got caught, for whatever reason, and is paying the price for her OWN actions.
She brought an unprotected nude photo to school. It got loose. Don’t bring nude photos to school.