Mr Ogny

I know Europe made contributions, it was their ass on the line if it became a conventional ground war. The USA however went from a cash rich motivating force, to NATO’s free defense body.

See, that’s kind of the fundamental problem, the US ended up being the one who was expected to foot most of the bill for the cold war, no questions asked. The Cold War Ruined us both financially and psychologically.

Needs is the key word there. Babies are wants, not needs.

Thank you. I had a seriously ridiculous fight with a friend over this tonight and this is basically what I was told how dare you slut shame her! For just implying the obvious attention getting aspects and hypocriticalness of this. So now you can hide behind the mantle of feminism and you’re bullet-proof. It’s getting

So she is ashamed of her body then? I don’t have a problem with the surgery. Do you. but you don’t do THAT without feeling a certain level of inadequacies about your body. Which is fine. I’d love the hear her talk about that.

I thought the lack of respect had to do with her getting famous for video taping herself getting fucked... but I could be wrong.

That’s great that she is empowered by her body. I just wish she was empowered by something other than her looks.

I’m a bad role model for being proud of my body?”

If she is proud, why all the Photoshop?

Like, 2 weeks after her “empowering” husband internationally slut-shamed his ex? Not into it.

Really? A vapid reality star who became famous for putting out a notably unsexy sex tape is going to lecture all the rest of us - the women who have to rely on our brains and not our booty to earn our living - for “body shaming” her? When her husband writes a song about her daughter called “Bitch” I can’t wait to

Oh c’mon. I in no way disagree with her overall message because of course slut shaming and body shaming is bad but please, she is only saying this when it suits her and is ABOUT her. It’s still self centered and me, me, me! as all hell.

A cynical person might think that this was all a bunch of ginned-up controversy to distract the Internet from the fact that her husband appears to be having an emotional breakdown of some sort.

Like hell you’ve moved on. STFU Kim.

What’s up with the drug/drunk/crime shaming, Kanyefucker?

“Enough is Enough” is exactly how I feel about the entire Kardashian industry.

That's great & all...but GO THE FUCK AWAY! No more Kardashians, please!

Nobody is body shaming or slut shaming. It’s the fact that they are willing to do anything for attention and to upstage each other every day. They get naked all the time... God forbid no ine talks about them. I don’t need to hear about them every single day much less have their vaginas on my timeline. Nobody asks for

If she wasn’t ashamed of her body, why all the surgery/work on it? Just askin.

It's not body shaming to point out she got famous for taking it in the rear and blowing someone. For as long as she wants to remain famous for nothing and act like someone of consequence or a role model for young women then people have the right to point out what she did for relevance. Of course she wants to make it