I saw this on an episode of King of the Hill
I saw this on an episode of King of the Hill
He looks like a chubby little Tom Hardy ......
He's hoping the other kids backstage don't eat all the rest of the cookies and cheese puffs. (A trick of the child-handling trade - snacks o plenty. My kid once did a commercial and his favorite part was the giant tub of animal crackers behind the set.)
Lemme get this straight.
That’s the look of a kid whose got a whole bunch of pooping to do.
Possibly his agent is a Husky Kids specialist.
How in the hell does an obese boy become a child model?
I read it the same way. I feel like this is a message people should share - it is ok to say no if you want to say no. Don’t be pressured into a “maybe”.
No, that’s a perfectly reasonable way to read that bit of copy—assuming of course that your desire is NOT to have you social politics whenever even remotely plausible.
1.) Campus rape is not more common than elsewhere. Young women of college age who are not students are more likely to be victims of all kinds of crime than women who are students at residential colleges. Men who are not college educated are more likely to be violent abusers and violent criminals of all kinds than men…
Ummm yeah. I thought it was promoting fearlessness. Was confused when opened the article
See, that was my takeaway, too. “Don’t be bullied into saying yes”
Do men actually shop at forever 21?
“Does Yale have an inadequate process for making these determinations? If so, how?”
“Here’s how I know he was kicked out fairly: because he was kicked out.”- jezbanned
Also, I think I hurt your feelings which is why you used the sexist language of calling me a ‘whiny little bitch.’
“Here’s how I know he was kicked out fairly: because he was kicked out.”- jezbanned
You’re dumb, dishonest, and boring.
Everybody agrees that rape is a very serious crime, but not everyone shares the same definition of “rape.” Those who believe we live in a “rape culture” hold that a lot of sexual behavior that is normalized and accepted by society is actually rape.
“Beyond reasonable doubt” is pretty much a pillar of USA’s guilty vs. innocent concept.