
At first I was like, “What is offensive about this?” But then I thought about if snapchat had a blackface filter and she posted “INSTA-BLACK PERSON,” and told myself to shut the fuck up.

That was consensual sex between adults, which apparently was just gross to Hastert.

I get that the statute of limitations has passed, but never ever say that abuse isn’t abuse because times were different, you fucking hacks.

The fact that the poor kid apologized to Hastert is a real heartbreaker. I hope when more recent abuses come out, and I’d bet there will be more, that they don’t conlfict with the statute of limitations, and this evil fucker gets 20 years.

Should someone take a look at his trips while in office? Perhaps Thailand? The Dominican Republic? There are more victims. He didn’t simply do this in Yorkville.

Oh, and this:

Dude, I’m fucking done with Sanders. I gave him a ton of money and I wish I could ask for it back. This fundraiser was done specifically to raise money for downballot candidates—the kind of congresspeople Sanders would actually need to fuel his imaginary revolution.

The way I see Sanders is he focuses everything around economic inequality, which is a huge issue facing our country and SHOULD be discussed more. But when you’re a hammer, everything is a nail, and there are some things that concern me as a lady voter that Sanders addresses only through the lens of economics

And the sad thing is that they can’t see how his answer could actually be evasive. “It’s between a woman and her doctor” does nothing to ensure or expand access to reproductive care

No worries. For whatever it’s worth, I don’t have an especially intense dislike of Bernie Sanders or anything- I think his heart is generally in the right place, and I was genuinely shocked when I read that article. But I think he’s shown time and again that women and minorities (and the issues that primarily affect

Didn’t you know? Bernie is, like, all cool and shit. So cool he couldn’t even bother to find one woman to hire to one of the top ten most highly-paid positions in his campaign. Worse than Marco Rubio, even. But we’re a feminist site, so of course we’ll just keep shitting all over Clinton for... well, reasons.

Weird. I actually thought this bit was awesome. What makes it cringeworthy is how true it is.

Dear god get that table exactly in the center of that rug or GOD HELP ME!

If I had to guess? He’s probably got chub rub. And this is coming from someone who has gotten chub rub, so no, I’m not shaming a little boy. I’m saying that shit is painful af.


The “reflexive” support is largely based on Kesha’s story being like thousands of others we’ve all heard- there’s more than enough to believe Luke is a phenomenal pile of shit. When someone is lying about rape or abuse, those stories ring differently and have a tendency to fall apart sooner or later. So far the only

“stop being friends with those morons” and “you deserve better friends” is why this issue persists and why a logical debate and meaningful movement on the issue largely can’t be had. my kid is vaccinated but i ABHOR sanctimonious assholes who call people who question a system where the former head of the CDC gets a

That is so aggressively bad that I am in the process of getting a restraining order against it.

there was an A+ tweet during the golden globes that i am too lazy to find right now which had the perfect michael shannon description