
He basically made the exact same face I make when someone bumps into me and doesn’t say sorry: 75% surprise, 25% HEY FUCK YOU BUDDY.

also, a follow up:

It’s becoming increasingly clear that the phrase “judge, jury, and executioner” is permanently “Judge Judy and executioner” in my head. Thanks, Homer Simpson.

“voluntarily placed herself in a position of danger and exposure to such injuries and damages.”

Seriously. Bill has managed to be so awful that he has inspired one of the greatest collection of gifs ever seen on a single post on Jez.

Why ? A lot of people do not follow gossip. I’m always ashamed when I spent time with my “normal” friends, that I know all that crap about those stupid people.

Sure, Kirsten.

I’m completely fine with the very real possibility that I will live out the rest of my life having never watched this video.

No need to hang out here if the content just makes you fussy! Have a lovely weekend.

One of the writers on Cracked does an occasional feature where he takes these old, disgusting recipes, makes them, and reviews them. They are as hideous as they are unappetizing.

[internal screaming]

I just cannot fathom how they’re able to write Trump’s comments off as harmless when it’s disturbingly clear that so many (horrible) people agree with him.