maybe the fact that I can’t name a single other current boxer?
maybe the fact that I can’t name a single other current boxer?
What a nonsensical loudmouth. That guy who interrupted him seems like a jerk too.
There’s a 30% chance he got married in the same clothes.
“I cheer for injuries because I’m an unrepentant anus”
“The only way Conor wins is if the fight is rigged from the outset, something I do think is a distinct possibility because Mayweather loves money more than anything and he may be playing to some other end game we aren’t yet aware of.”
Guess once they left San Diego they didn’t have to stay classy
They’d better hope his son isn’t John.
My initial reaction would be to tell him he ought to be ashamed of this record, to take some pride in himself and work to get better. But coming from me, I doubt he’d listen. After all, who am I to Judge?
I think I’d go with GoldHammer but then again, I’m no marketing genius—just a simple man with a talent for naming dildos.
Aaron looks like he was using the dildo in his head shot. It seems big.
Hmm. If Aaron Goldhammer did own a dildo, whatever would he name it?
All I got out of this floppy-dick-wagging was a modest desire to Google image search “Helen Yee.”
Brings back memories of when I was but a young lad, striving for greatness in Little League. I....wasn’t much of a hitter, and when it came down to our last game, with the post-season tournament on the line, I ended up at the plate with the tying run on third. Down to our last out, and me...ME! of the worst…
You were cleaning something, alright.
To keep you talking about it and eventually, you will hear something or see something that finally strikes a chord and changes how you personally approach these issues. It took the loss of Heather Heyer’s life to do it for her mother. It took listening to their teammates and trying to understand for these white…
say it to my face
Damn, man, the umpires are suffering enough without you piling on.
Shit, I just read a whole article about a guy watching a whole preseason NFL game. Knowing full well the whole time that this was the topic of the article. What the hell.
I want a statue of Marshawn Lynch in Oakland and Seattle. Tomorrow.