Dude, you used the phrase ‘social just warrior’ and started a sentence with “I’m not racist.”
Dude, you used the phrase ‘social just warrior’ and started a sentence with “I’m not racist.”
you okay, man?
This move is the GM equivalent to just shuffling some papers around on your desk to make it look a little cleaner.
My idiot friends and I wouldn’t have made it through an hour of this before going double agent on each other and driving away while the dunk dude is left alone in the driveway. We were sort of dicks. Also, none of us could dunk.
Stay white, and you’ll be alright.
Footage of this guy is the best ISIS recruiting video ever.
It’s like his brain was on holiday for a second there.
i’m broke too...i should head over there so we can all comiskerate.
Isn’t there already a buyout provision?
Idiot. Wilson hit 94 homers that year.
If you had told me that you met a guy that had made a tshirt with “Fook Floyd” on it, the logical follow up question is, did he have sunglasses backwards on his head?
Why is Jon king?
Reese’s Pieces is supposed to rhyme. So that is how you pronounce Reese’s. Those Ree-Sees people are probably the same ones who wear Sixburgh shirts everywhere.
Pfft. As a baseball purist, I find the Sacrifice Bunt Derby far more entertaining.
UPDATE: The water park has decided to let it slide
Excellent interview. It’s refreshing to hear such honesty and hindsight from a former player. Current NFL players should really pay attention to insight like this.
“It’s just hard to believe the dog was nasty when she took Lamby to every green room with her when Girls was still a thing 4 years ago.”