Hacksaw Waylon Smithers

Moblike behavior would be retaliating against someone who posted a picture to mock you online. Fucking grow a pair, Anthony. You lost, mate. Suck it up. Seeking disciplinary action over a harmless joke? Really? It’s not slanderous in any way. If anything, the soon-to-be-former mayor’s actions are completely deserving

You dare doubt The Freeze?

Looks like Blanco just earned himself the 2-spot in the Phillies’ rotation.

I hadn’t seen it, and I busted out laughing. Boss wasn’t happy, but I showed it to him and now he is yuckin it up too. Thanks!

The Kevin Everett news blooper...was right here (taps your chest)... the entire time

According to Berhe, Wright paid the $632.08 fare and a $300 tip. Maybe just rent a car next time?

“You know what I like.”

Nice to see Bieber will also throw on a hairstyle from team Korn.

Just a heads up, there are quite a few typos.

Welcome to Mario Kart. :)

Sooooo... if they sweep, do we just cancel next year’s season? Because as far as I can tell, the stacking of teams has finally reached the point where the entire season, regular season through the finals, has been rendered moot.

The real story here is that someone was wearing Snapchat Spectacles. I have never seen them out in the wild.

Could be the last decent block we get from a Jet in 2017...

Any man who is trying to harass and/or fight a woman isn’t a man in my book.

The is the film that Brock Osweiler was talking about when he said he could start for Cleveland.

“Don’t mind if I do....”

this is exactly why I’ve never dated her.

I love when brands expect us to cooperate as if we won’t immediately ruin their campaign. It’s like handing a 12 year old a can of spray paint and acting surprised when their wall is covered in dicks.

I know that modern statistics tend to abhor the bunt, but the chaos Hamilton would elicit if he got good at it would be fun as hell to watch.

In the states, I believe we call this the Antebellum style of Architecture.