
She is never getting tenure now, effectively ending her academic career either way - which to academics is some life or death shit. It’s a big deal for her to file this lawsuit.

Dog was so upset at having to attend a Trump rally, he called his friend, Other Dog.

Undue burden has become practically a meaningless standard. As long as it is theoretically possible for a rich woman to obtain an abortion anywhere in a giant state, the Courts do not find an undue burden. Practical impossibility is not an undue burden (but that could change with the March 2 case before the Supremes!)

I know right! And he actually even framed it as *asking* to play basketball with the guy. So...the better analogy I think would be- groping on the dance floor = bonking the basketball off someone’s head as they walk by because they are wearing a jersey.

I am confused. Why would I force a person to play basketball with me if he/she was dressed like a basketball player? Does that happen? Forced basketballery?

It’s a lot of ego. And god forbid a woman take an interest in something like family law. I got a verbal pat on the head every time someone discovered that my biggest ambition wasn’t to be partner in a huge corporate law office.

Maybe. But I’m on Swift’s side. I know she’s a vanilla white girl we all roll our eyes over, but she’s one of many women who have to put up with this shit from men looking for cheap plugs.

Well, to be fair, whenever I see a Marco Rubio ad I do get more patriotic about being Canadian. So, you know, point to him.

omg. SAME.

If you’re going with the college student = adult analogy, then you must extend it to college = work. If visitors were coming to tour my workplace and a group of coworkers behaved in this manner, they would be fired immediately.

This makes me miss my dad. He’s (A) Awesome and (B) a former HS health teacher so he was really matter-of-fact when it came to our periods.

The other day I did sort of lose track of how many cars I own! Someone asked me and suddenly I was like, “oh my gosh. Is it 5 or is it 6? I have 5 cars right? No....6? It could it be 7??” But then I realized I was thinking of bananas. I had 5 BANANAS at home. Easy mistake.

I can’t read this without hearing it in her voice.

Ah, I stand corrected. I intended to imply “with acquaintance sexual assault” but now realize thanks to you that it IS necessary to specify. And it’s too late to correct.

A disheveled woman in slippers, jeans, and a winter fair isle sweater, JANE, reads these descriptions and despairs. She glances around her home, trudges to the stand of bottles by the window, and, with stunning elegance, opens and swigs from the illegal Cuban rum in one fell swoop. She ponders life in American society

This isn’t a court of law; it’s a private institution. In cases like this the university *has* to privilege one party’s testimony over the other’s - it’s not possible to believe both people when they are saying conflicting things. Setting aside for a moment the incredibly small number of false rape reports v. the very

Regular reminder- Getting kicked out of school is not something you need a jury for. He has done something serious enough to be charged with a crime. You do not have a right to an education at the college of your choosing. The police rarely charge people without mountains of evidence, so right away, the odds are that

I feel like he didn’t pay so much attention to the major themes of the story though?

I think a shitload of people look at the brutality depicted in films about slavery and think: “See, that would be something to complain about. Comparatively, they’ve got it so good now and still they complain, complain, complain!”

It’s pretty fucking rich that people are cool with consuming and confronting slavery in the form of entertainment while gasping at the horror of it all, but refuse to budge when it comes to things like criminal justice reform, income inequality, etc., and acknowledging the lingering effects of a country built on the