
Very small. I love this show but I tuned out half way thru season 4. Season 5 is not only a return to form but it's been re-invigorated.

Season 3 has "Remedial Chaos Theory" which makes it my favorite also.

funniest headline of the day

oh man. Ya' know, out of all the horrible things we saw and heard in this show for some reason THAT's the thing that's creeping me out the most.

A great show. Couldn't be happier with the finale, I was on the edge of my seat almost the entire hour. The directing, the writing and of course the acting, outstanding.

I am sooo not getting into the Girls conversation this week

that was disturbing. I actually said "Oh f@ck" outloud when I saw that

That's really interesting. That conspiracy/serial killer idea, like "Smiley Face," has been around for awhile now.
I like that.

And judging by that scene on the staircase, her lawn really needs a mowing


But it WASN'T just a "psycho in the woods." Childress was the weak link but it was a conspiracy of high ranking, voodoo worshiping pedophiles.

Despite the waxing (on and off) I never believed the show would take a turn into fantasy or mythology. I believed they had basically solved the mystery last week and in this episode would try to drag it out into the open.
The comparisons to Lost I don't understand. Lost created it's own rules in it's own world with…

He's got several things in the works all of which basically got the green light after episode four (imagine that!) He will continue on as an executive producer though.

Yep, I loved that shot running us back through all those locations, right back to the beginning. Sweet.

It certainly helped "Newhart."

I think he realized they made a difference; that there was meaning behind the struggle and a reason to keep fighting. Just to let a little more light in is a triumph in itself.

Having followed your entire thread here I feel I need to point out that you're really just saying the same thing over and over again to a group that isn't listening. You're stuck, in a loop, doomed to repeat yourself, in a void where no one hears you.
Welcome to True Detective!

Oh no, I'm VERY qualified; I've watched several tv shows throughout my lifetime AND I own the Criterion version of Lena Dunham's "Tiny Furnuture." I'd say those are solid reference points.