

Wasn't she the one where the grandmother had that odd picture in the living room of 5 guys on horseback around a little kid? Did they have masks on?

I took the "family has been around here a long time" as implying just that, "..and we'll be here long after you're gone…"

There is a whole level of hell out there populated by shows that have remained on the air for years by hiding in the cracks, often following two of the shows you've mentioned.
I'm not a fan of BBT or Two and a Half Men but I have seen an episode or two here and there and I have laughed.
No no, I'm talking the REAL

same here. I thought it was real important to see how they both got here.

I tried to watch Girls once.
It is that bad.

A bit of a breather before the finale, I'll give you that (there were a couple of genuine big laughs mixed in with the child sexual abuse rituals) but "Ordinary compared to the rest of TV?" What other shows are you watching because I want to watch them too!

best promotional campaign ever

I disagree. the cell phone sales woman was very fleshed out (nudge nudge wink wink) if you know what I mean

My parents never really "banned" anything from me. My mother and I used to compare notes on Stephen King. Until Thomas Harris' "Red Dragon" that is. When it first came out, back in 1981, word was this was some scary ass stuff. My mother was reading it and I asked her if I could read it next. "I suppose," she said,


People from Boston (such as myself) always call it "Walpole."
Aside from that, this show needs to get back to Ray interacting with Hollywood, being a "fixer for the stars" so to speak. This domestic stuff is killing it.
This show started off so well with only a few minutes of the "family stuff" grinding it to a halt.

They blackmailed Ellen Page for the money