
Ya' know, I couldn't disagree more…but that's because Jon Snow is my favorite character on the show (outside of Tyrion of course. I mean, goes without saying.)

I also like Cusack but i think he's just "stuck" in some weird Hollywood limbo…the good stuff is going to go to Damon, DiCaprio, et al,, then Wahlberg, etc…You begin to wonder what, if anything could make it's way to him.
He should do something like "True Detective" and get his stock back up again

My comment might have been a little self serving….touche

John Hamm is…The Dong of Justice??
This is all going south so quickly

It seems Resnick really has no idea how influential he and Elliott were for a whole generation coming up in the late 80s, early nineties. It was huge. At least among me, my brother and our friends, and still is. All of us still love "Cabin Boy" and "Get A Life." We toss out lines from them all the time And you DO see

Being the die hard Marvel and Whedon fan that I am I stuck with this show all the way thru and I to say it wasn't always easy. Some of those middle episodes really made me doubt where this show was going. But I'm glad I slogged thru it. The last third or so of the season has been terrific with each episode better than

One thing I wanted to mention was how brilliant the opener was. It took all of the emotion from the first three seasons and neatly summed it up. I was surprised how angry I was when Tywin threw Grey Winds skin into the fire. It really reminded me, as a viewer, of how invested I was in the House of Stark, what a loss

In related news, Pete Best said something about something…Eric Carr nodded in confirmation

The Daily Show is like the real news in that it could go on for ever but Colbert is a character and that could get old, especially for Stephen Colbert.

ahhh selective memory syndrome, what a vicious mistress you are. Here, let me jog your memory…
"Uma… Oprah" "Oprah… Uma"

Best premiere yet; unhurried, favorite characters and some really funny lines. I'm with everyone else on the Jamie wave: priceless. The Hound upping the chicken count as Polliver keeps making one verbal blunder after another not to mention the back and forth between him and Arya. I have to agree with one of the

Kill The Hound and we riot (always capitalize "The Hound.")

The irony with Sandler is that he's really best when he stays as far away from children as possible, comedies included; "Happy Gilmore," "Mr. Deeds," "The Longest Yard" not a child in sight. You're right about Slater, the talents there just not the right vehicle. Ryan Reynolds has "The Voices" coming up; an amazingly

I gotta say this whole thing is baffling me…I love Stewart and figure he'll stay put at The daily show (he doesn't need to go anywhere) and Colbert is terrific but the funniest host on late night is Craig Ferguson, hands down. Isn't he the obvious choice?

No. No, I didn't think that. In fact I admit I have no idea what "smarest" even means. I am humbled.


Community is an excellent show and Harmon never implied that.
Now go back to the "Dads" forum, please.

I didn't think of him…that's good.

Why the snark? Cooper is awesome and is one of the few actors today who could step into that role.
Others: Karl Urban, Joel McHale

Wow, I didn't even realize that. We're talking MAJOR directors here. Lin is without question one of the best new directors to come along in awhile and advance word on "The Winter Soldier" is it's Marvel's best movie yet.
Fascinating to think they came off this single camera sit-com.