*also raises hand*
*also raises hand*
Ultimate Galactus just doesn't compare to a giant purple guy with a hat that makes Loki's look understated and a big honking G on his belt buckle. I want full pimp Galactus! Not a "scary" cloud or a bunch of planet-eating robots.
While I am excited about the idea of an interconnected Marvel universe of movies and TV shows, what this post made me really want was an Astro City TV show. Now I am all sad because I know that that isn't going to happen.
There is even a sci-fi connection to silphium, however vague. It was a main point in an old Doc Savage pulp novel: Fear Cay. In the book it is supposed to be a healing herb and is one of the reasons that the main bad guy Dan Thunden lives to be 131 years old, and is still fast enough to elude Doc Savage (a…
Speaking of old DNA, check out this guy: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/science-news/9363268/Scottish-lecturer-found-to-be-grandfather-of-everyone-in-Britain.html
I know it wasn't the first in the genre, but I think that the novel Oath of Fealty by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle is a pretty good example of the start of one of these societies. Not a utopia, in fact, not all that advanced from now, but I think it is a good start.