Everyone who said some variation of “move somewhere warm” needs to be dickpunched.
Everyone who said some variation of “move somewhere warm” needs to be dickpunched.
Put it on your credit card and get cash back to offset taxes.
Don’t all newer BMW’s do that? I think the indicator is next to the unused blinker stalk.
I want automatic honk technology to honk at the car in front of me if they don’t go immediately when the light turns green. This hitting the horn manually crap is for the birds.
Ahhh VWVortex where every memebers car is worth Big Money, but no member pays more than low blue book for anything.
It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.
You know what torque is though, right?
Meanwhile all the mechanics in Cuba are restoring 50's Oldsmobiles and Buicks with two hammers and a hamster wheel.
That’s not a excuse. Just hold a all day party.
Well there was this one time with a flashing warning that said “danger to manifold” and then the floor fell out.
What’s this “park” that you speak of? You put it in neutral to save wear on you left leg.
I don’t like Trump either, but I don’t think he’s trying to kill us (well not all of us).
I just threw up in my mouth a little.
Poor little car. Probably kept up with it for a mile or so.
Tough hatch.
Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.
I hope this meme never dies.
Oh, come on. My crippling alcoholism is a fine religion, if you ask me.
2nd Gear: Automakers Balk Even More At Fuel Economy Rules