“You are without question the worst husband in the history of human mating.”
“You are without question the worst husband in the history of human mating.”
My kids will tell you I've never had a gas shortage.
Just to be clear, Subaru has no FUCKS to give.
I feel like most of the comments below do not get your reference :(
Here’s the fundamental difference between Mercedes and Ferrari, one Binotto needs to address in the off-season if he wants Ferrari to improve. It’s not going to be an easy change because this is inherently ingrained in Ferrari’s culture and part of it is due to being an Italian team that the Italians adore:
Sweet! Golf R performance but without the stigma of looking like an adult.
“Watch The Future USS John F. Kennedy Float For The First Time.”
Damn, I thought there was always 3 things you could count on: Death, Taxes and the EJ20. Looks like it’s time to pour out some coolant and oil together, as all Subaru engines intended.
What if you broke it trying to reinstall it though? I would have gone with a note to the owner to check his headlight fairing.
Going from V12 to 12V? Now that’s a switcheroo.
The dude didn’t tighten his manifold rivets. It probably popped a warning on his laptop, but he kept going. Seen it a thousand times....
Actually, if anything, she sounds like she should be on drugs. The anti-psychotic kind. Bitch has rage issues. I wouldn’t trust her behind the wheel of a car either.
September 1 is Storrow Day in Boston. It has become tradition that we look forward to. This year didn’t disappoint, as the only Storrowing we had happened at end of moving day at 11:57pm or something like that. It was majestic.
Move in day in Boston is the worst. It is like the video above, but with 15 Uhauls on every street. The dumpster diving on that weekend kinda makes up for it though.
Who adds a lift kit to a friggin Outback, the hipster bro-crowd?