
Thank you. ;3

Yeah, I'm sick of it, really. It reminds me of the days where the PS3 was constantly made fun of because of its price, its lack of major games, its lackluster sales, ect. But now look at it, the system's beautiful now.

Another negative 3DS article.... I'd love to see some posts on the recently announced Phantom Thief R, or perhaps that Beyond the Labyrinth trailer that was shown yesterday. Or that 999 sequel for both 3DS and Vita. You know, positive news for the little handheld.

Another one to add to the huge list of mangas that I must read.

Yes. XD

What is this I don't even.


But I need money..... If she wants money, she should go pole dance. >:3


Now if only I had money.... ;-; Thanks for the info!

Wait wat.

Reason why MGS3D doesn't look good anymore is because of laziness. The 3DS could achieve the Naked Sample's graphical fidelity if they actually remade the entire game, like what the demo originally was, but now it's a dirty port with no effort put into it.

I preferred Gravity Daze. But oh well.

It's pure laziness. This game could've looked as good as the Naked Sample, damnit. THEN it would've been worth the 40 dollars that they're going to overcharge for this crap.

4GB actually, I believe they announced they had to use a different cartridge for this game.

What is this I don't even.

Agree 100 percent. There's not much variety in genres or style these days. :\ And if there is, it's left to smaller, indie games.

I'm betting it's a small cameo in MGS3D, some ports to the handheld, or just a big trolling from Kojima.

Super Smash Kart would kick so much ass.

I'm going to log in one last time tonight. I'm also going to ship out my 3DS tomorrow for repair (screen has a yellowish tint, and hinge is floppy), so do you think that'll affect my ambassador thing?