
But the Wii was already at budget level, and dropping it further did increase sales. But considering the Wii had nothing going for it at the time, and mostly everyone who wanted a Wii already had one, there's a reason why it didn't sell that good for a while.

That dude creeps me the hell out.

Oh, I get exactly what you mean. I'm one of the few people who liked sailing in The Wind Waker (I loved the scenery, the ocean was a perfect blue and the horizon and stuff was amazing, the music was good, you could see islands from far away, all of which didn't really translate to PH, but some of which did to ST).

I found both to be boring and tedious, overall, but I found Spirit Tracks' positives to outweigh the negatives. I cannot say the same for PH.

Better use of touch screen items? How? Most items that were in PH were in ST.

I preferred Spirit Tracks over Phantom Hourglass. I don't get why people seem to like the latter better, the only outstanding thing in that game is Linebeck.

Their pixel work is beautiful. Makes mine look like crap. ;-;

The only Metroid game I've passed is Super Metroid, but that game is Jesus. Easily amongst the top of my favorites. I hope they give the first one for the 3DS ambassador thing.

I find both to be horrible. I miss rain. And its supposed to stay dry for a lot of the year. Stupid La Nina. ._.

I visited Turner Falls up in Oklahoma, and it was pretty dry there. The rivers were much shallower in comparison to my previous visit. And this was back in early July.

It's been over 100 for nearly 40 days in Dallas.

Fudge batch.

Super Mario 3D Land.

Do x-ray tech/nurse and do game design as a hobby. Like the creator of Cave Story, Daisuke Amaya. Whatever you choose, I wish ya the best! :3

Yeah, the DS was abysmal in its first year, but Mario Kart rejuvenated it back in 2005. After that, everything was glorious, and the DS lite just made things better. I hope to see a similar cycle with the 3DS (though I don't really want a revision a year after I bought mine. At least wait 2 years, like the jump from

The things this man has done are enormous. Sure he's got a (temporary) failure, but without him, I don't think Nintendo would've survived the 7th generation.

That commercial is a good sign. Nintendo was supposed to advertise the damn thing as a new system, not just emphasize its 3D capabilities, leaving the audience assuming it's just a new DS.

If the online is as fluid as SSFIV3DE, it'll be something thrilling to play every night with friends, like I do with Brawl.

That's good then. :D

But imagine if they didn't give any games at all. I have a feeling that'd make things even worse with fans, seeing as how Nintendo's been screwing up lately.