
There is less than zero chance any right-wing SCOTUS judge will face any consequence from congress (the only people who legally can do anything) when those 6 people so blatantly do whatever the GOP wants, seeing as it requires a super majority from congress to have any consequences. It will easily be 30+ years before

So these ridiculous monstrosities are gonna get even bigger. Hey pickup drivers: It’s not gonna make your dick any bigger.

I mean, if it’s a dealership... they *should* have garagekeeper’s coverage, which covers loss to vehicles they take into their possession... AND they *should* have false pretense/trick coverage which exists specifically for these types of losses.

Story about seeing Tesla cars from space includes no images of seeing cars from space....

Tesla is a scam. Elon is a scam.

Imagine any kid wanting to get away from THAT loving, rational dad. 

“That vehicle was completely unmarked. In my mind this was not good, right?”

Man, oh, man how I hate this argument, simply because nearly everyone gets it wrong. You aren’t innocent until proven guilty. You are presumed innocent until proven guilty. That one word makes a big difference. 

“And everybody knows what’s going on in this country with fentanyl and child trafficking and rape. Terrible stuff.””

Ah yes, those child traffickers who famously return children to their homes safely.

Every time I’ve bought a new car, it came with a full tank of gasoline. Do they not fully charge cybertrucks as part of delivery?  The guy’s first drive was to a charging station 35 miles away...

White boys mad they are being treated the way they demand not white people be treated and are somehow mad. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Hey! I made it into Jalopnik. I’m “el.chepito1985". I knew it would get views when I posted it but didn’t it would accelerate me onto pages of Jalopnik.

I have seen “I bought this before Musk went insane” bumper stickers on several Teslas around the area - so I am not looking too deep into who may be thought of as the culprit here.

Fucking awful, awful man. Too bad the fall wasn’t more serious.

I’ve seen it argued that teens have always done stupid stuff and for the most part grow out of it no worse for wear, and that’s true. But the difference is that now they have *unprecedented* access to both themselves and the people promoting the stupid stuff (and vice versa). Across multiple platforms, not only are

Lisa needs braces!

She stated that she was concerned about her safety.

Ah yes. The value of a PoC, coming from a PoS. Fuck this clown.

Cops hate the educated. They see them as a threat. 

Just a few bad apples, right?