
The guy who played Baron Harkonen.

Facts? Who cares about facts?

That's why Godzilla is so awesome.

Then you aren't fully human.

Sounds like Tiffany.

Casting a woman as a creepy child molester. Bold.

You are a cruel motherfucker.

Don't even joke about that.

Sound enhancing weapons that were dumb as hell. So lame.

The weirding modules were so fucking dumb. I just couldn't get over that. If you're going to add something, why add something that stupid?

Superheros are a pretty beat-up archetype now. You want them to stop making superhero movies?

Speaking for people who live in the rest of the country: we don't care.

Oh I'm sure Mr. Trump's long standing connection with rural America will cause him to do everything he can to help those people.

I don't know who Anthony Cumia is.

Also, this "you have to come out and vote for us whether you like us or not because the other guy is worse" attitude from Democrats is not at all inspirational and it turned off a lot of potential voters (especially minorities.)

Actually the Republican vote was down this time as well. Trump actually got fewer votes than Romney.

You have a good point. Honestly, you can't win a national election with a candidate with zero charisma. Call Trump supporters dumb all you want but at least they learned the lesson Mitt Romney taught: a Milquetoast charisma vacuum will have trouble winning the presidency. The Democrats missed that lesson entirely.

Ahh, the good old days when we thought Jesse "The Body" Ventura getting elected Governor was the most wacked out political thing that could happen.

I know a guy who knows a guy who is working on Trump's campaign and knows Trump personally. He reported the following to me: (1) IRL trump is a normal human being. The Trump you see on camera is a total act. (2) All the stupid stuff he says is calculated to get him press coverage. Whether he really believes any of it