
I'd like to introduce you to the Nixon administration.

Oh, they care. They like Trump because he keeps their ratings up.

I won't be satisfied until I see full on inter-species fucking. I want to see Hammerhead knocking boots with one of those fish eyed things. Or a wookie with a trio of ewoks going at it hardcore. (You know Chewbacca got some ewok action on Endor, you just know it.)

Pancakes > Mad Men.

Well it's not like she can suck much worse than the "news" people we have now.

If you own a flask, that is all theaters.

Oh Glasgow, never change.

Anyone else having trouble signing into their AVClub account?

I find new stuff on Pandora all the time. Just create some stations based on new band names.

Agreed, but it doesn't even really have to be a "bar." A cooler full of cold beers or a keg will work too.

If someone really needs hard booze they can bring a flask.

Your friend should not feel pressured to spend $20K, or really any amount, that she is uncomfortable with. I have been to many very inexpensive weddings (including my own) that were very fun and memorable for all involved.

This is why all cultures should be destroyed.

Well deportations of illegal immigrants in the US went up dramatically under Obama compared to Bush and no one gives Obama shit about that, so Hollande probably figured if it works for Obama…

I didn't know it until just now when i read the review. Probably because I don't think I've ever seen it spelled out.

You should have tried harder. There are all different types of girls who you could have been afraid to talk to.

I don;t know if I'd call it a masterpiece but, yeah, "cheese fest" is totally inaccurate.

AND it was the 19th Century not the 16th.

The Bible also prohibits lending out money and receiving interest. But all these motherfuckers have mortgages on their houses, trucks and boats.

The sort of retarded guy who lives up the street from me who I am nice to out of sympathy likes it. That and what I just read above is all I know about it.