Mexican-American Martian


I keep seeing people labeling this purchase as some sort of harbinger of a Disney-branded mediapocalypse, but the alternative was never Fox keeps being the [also gargantuan] Fox. The alternative was selling to another company, in this case a much worse one, IMO.

I mean, best case would have been some kind of

That would be impossible. If you simply state that any one distributor cannot exceed 5% of the market, but their 5% percent is extremely successful, portions of the other 95% will bow out because they can’t profit competing with the very successful 5%. If those distributors pull out of the market and no new

Fox is selling anyway. They made the internal decision to refocus their company. The other largest bidder, other than Disney, was Comcast. Would you rather see 20th Century Fox’s film and TV division go to Disney? Or an ISP like Comcast?

And then they can introduce Miles Morales when he gives Molecule Man a week-old hamburger. Seriously that is literally the canonical reason how Miles became a a resident of Earth-616.

Yes, it’s all terrible but let’s speculate!!!!!!!!

Looks absolutely awesome, bring it on.

In order to better disguise themselves, Captain America, Black Widow, and Ant-Man all switched hair. I assume they’re saving the reveal of Ant-Man’s flowing red locks for the next trailer.

That’s a combination of the Avengers theme being actually good and no other theme in the MCU being anywhere near as memorable.

Oh, come on. Ultron was a good villain, portrayed by a good actor bringing a good performance.

That’s just... that’s bullshit, sorry. He can rank BvS above the Dark Knight. It’s his opinion. Some people think Civil War is better than the Winter Soldier, that doesn’t make them stupid in the head. We need to stop this kind of toxicity towards others.

It seems inevitable that this will be the MCU’s Empire Strikes Back to Avengers 4's Return of the Jedi, but then that raises the question: what is Ant-Man and the Wasp going to be like? It comes out next after Infinity War, and if Thanos is “winning” during that time period then I don’t know what Scott and Hope will

Anyone notice how the music actually makes you feel something? We give Marvel movies crap for the lack of distinctive music, but the Avengers theme is actually heroic.

Gotta be honest: kind of shocked how emotional I got in the first few moments of the trailer, with the whole team doing Fury’s Avengers pitch.

My body is 98% ready

I kept being taken out of Thor when they kept putting jokes in serious moments. Even Guardians knew when to be serious. The whole ending should’ve been more sad than it was

Hey, it’s Thanos...and he’s doing stuff...finally!

And that Whedon script from the first one still resonates.

Part 2 is still planned for May 2019, though you’re right they did drop the whole Infinity War parts 1 and 2, in favor of Infinity War and TBA.

I am all for lulz in movies, I loved Thor: Ragnarok, but I am glad to see this movie is freaking serious business, no time for jokes Dr. Jones. Going by the trailer it feels like the Russo brothers have nailed the tone this movie demands.

For the record, if they don’t adapt this scene of Cap staring down Thanos I will be extremely disappointed.