Mexican-American Martian

I think the idea of superheroes as celebrities was woven into Marvel Comics almost from its inception, but it was more reflective of the cheek by jowl way all strata of society coexisted in the New York of the ‘60s (Marvel’s dominant fictionalized milieu) than Hollywood. Superheroes were regularly idolized and/or

This is all he’s ever talked about. Why is it a dealbreaker now?

The “superheroes as celebs” thing is all over the map for me. Like it makes sense that people would idolize superheroes in a similar way; it’s either that or go DC about it and have polititians constantly punching their podiums over the “superhero menace.”

I’d say adding Andrew Whitworth is a bigger deal to the Rams success than adding Sammy Watkins.

Disney should ban every member of these critic awards from going to its press screenings. That would be funny.

Where is Manimal at these days, anyway?

Your going to burn the world down with this HOT TAKE.


Or maybe Clinton’s failure to mobilise the very groups she thought would vote unconditionally for her (women, black people etc) has a lot more to do with it than the ~90% of Sanders supporters who voted for her despite their misgivings? Even if all the Stein voters in the country were enough to swing the election, and

Eh, I had zero desire to see it because the original - while very beautiful to look at - is a slow, plodding, pretentious not very good movie. I can’t imagine sitting through three hours of more of the same.

How many 80s/90s remakes/reboots/long-delayed sequels in a row have flopped now?


The one that immediately preceded Blade Runner 2049, IT, has been very successful.

“You are a bladerunner.” “CUT!”

“Connected with audiences” and “$100 million” were both very possible (and both seem within reach). But a $150 million movie with a $100 million promotional campaign needs to make at least like $500 million worldwide just to break even, and that was never realistic for something like this.

I also suspect its low take might be because it’s simply not a very good movie. It’s not awful, but it’s long, slow, and devoid of the noir claustrophobia and nervous energy and tension of the original. BR2049 desperately needed the zing of a Rutger Hauer or William Sanderson to give it a live wire; plodding silently

I think what they should do is cut a good hour out of the movie and just have a narrator explain what happened in those cut scenes.

This was never going to be a huge hit. The original wasn’t the world’s most accessible movie to begin with, this one has a bladder-punishingly long run time, and it features the world’s least appealing actor in a very prominent role. If Warner thought they could put $150 million into this, with a huge promotional

And the first one was such a box office hit... Oh. Wait...

It’s not hard to understand why a medium like Youtube has “personalities”.

I don’t know... thisistheplan was terrible, but that article, and specially this headline, feels like an overreach.

Had they: