
Alliteration, maybe. But poetry is thriving. As is poetic justice (see:Owen Labrie)

Add making me side with Fox News to the reasons I hate Donald Trump.

I feel so weird when the NFL does something right for a change.

I’m not being snarky, but are you aware that as recently as 12 years ago, she believed marriage should only be between a man and a woman?

Update: The shade keeps coming and it is glorious.

Which is crazy, because you know Drumpf’s kids had a major advantage with their previous education, whereas John Legend was homeschooled by his working class parents, went to high school at 12, graduated at 16 second in his class, and got offers from Harvard and Georgetown. Yet people actually want to question his

Jon Husted is a huuuuuuge asshole whose sole purpose in life is to disenfranchise likely Democratic voters in the state of Ohio. It doesn’t surprise me that he would resist a move like this, which ostensibly seeks to get younger Dem voters involved early in the process. As secretary of state he has overseen pushes to:

Absolutely. I want Hillary to be the nominee, and then the president. But if the cost of that is disenfranchising voters, that’s a cost too high for me.

Speaking as a Hillary supporter: good. Any increase in access to voting rights is a thing to strive for.

I feel like the point where you are putting makeup on your breasts is probably the point where a close examination of what you are doing is well past due.

I get the impression it was a gimmick more than selling sex itself. As in “I’m decent at League and want to get followers but I don’t stand out, maybe a little cleavage will help.” Little things can be the difference between 10k followers and 4m.

This will be a tough challenge, citizen. On one robotic hand, people watched her streams because of the sex appeal she has, the main selling point of watching her streams, much like people enjoyed watching me get blown to pieces by small arms fire.

You don’t have to ‘imply’ anything. PDP was a dick in his review, full stop. He gave the reviewer the finger at the end of it. That’s unnecessary and simply pandering to his audience of idiots.

Mr. Pie should be a little more cognizant of the amount of weight he throws around on the Internet. Millions of mouth breathing retards follow his every move, and it’s not really fair for him to come down so hard on a one-man operation’s first attempt at a game, especially when his own game, which presumably was made

I am in my late 20s and none of the people anywhere near my age that play games and read about them would watch or care about PewDiePie. It is definitely a younger audience - apparently focused on girls in the 11-14 range, but I can’t say I’ve found any analytics to prove that they are his biggest audience.

PDP is nothing more than an idiot sellout who discovered he could screech “rape” over amnesia 10,000 times and preteens would eat it up. Then blaming SJWs for not “getting it” and basically refusing to apologize at all. During a monetized “apology video”.

“So it’s Pewdiepies fault that this game is shit?”

Considering all of Pewdiepie’s recent press about struggling with the rudeness of people on Youtube/his viewers/etc... you’d think he could come up with a more constructive way to criticize a game he didn’t like.

Also the middle finger to the developer thing sounds really petty and fucked up.

I know I am in vast minority, but what age group does pewdiepie attract? Just never found him funny. And I would never trust an entertainment video as a review. I tend to use a mix of kotaku/polygon/pocket tactics/TouchArcade. Depending on what I am playing.