
That’s kinda the problem. A lot of the reviewers that are positive aren’t FROM a nerd site. The movie isn’t made for nerds, it’s made by someone who thought that name-dropping is what nerds like.

I’m really confused who the target audience of Ready Player One is if not people who run a sci-fi website.

I was “that” guild member that first raised questions about the game. My guild was primarily pve-based but I was a big pvp-er and had some fun with friends playing pvp. During the beta I privately harbored doubts about the game and mentioned them casually to clanmates, saying that “hmmm, the time to kill is really

I switched over to MHW and deleted D2. I got so fed up with the lack of endgame, communication and Bungie just repeating all of their mistakes from D1 over again it just frustrated me. Sure it was fun for a while, raiding with friends, but once it’s cracks started to show things really started to break wide open. I

Now playing

I got Destiny 1, played the base game, and it was these similar problems that pushed me out of it and not touching it since while losing faith in Bungie as a company almost entirely.

Given how much I enjoyed Hook as a kid (and how watching it as an adult after Robin’s passing makes it impossible not to be emotional about it) I am totally in for this. The trailer alone gave me massive flashbacks about me as a kid being a huge Pooh fan... I’d completely forgotten.

I might be completely wrong but I got this distinct vibe like this was some kind of political statement? Like that dude got killed because he was conservative or something. Don’t trust the government because they hate America or something.

I don’t believe that’s what I said or implied.

For me as an Irishman, the only good thing about the Cloverfield Paradox was Chris O’Dowd as an Irish astronaut with a great big Tricolour on his sleeve. The last time they let an Irishman into space was Miles O’Brien in Star Trek.

I admire what he’s done. That’s not “fanatical worship.” I’m a fan of his Mars plans - they’re wildly optimistic, but he’s actually marching forward towards completing them, or failing trying.

He actually does have a BS in Physics from UPenn. And he assembled and leads the teams that do the things I mention, giving them their orders and guidance and funding. That’s a contribution, no matter what idiotic snide remarks you make about it. Show me who was doing this stuff before he came along.

He’s the founder and head of the companies, they work at his orders.

The thing is, he’s not the one doing the work. It’s the people who actually build and operate the tech who deserve credit.

“I don’t like that he’s having fun,” appears to be the main thrust of comments like these. It’s super petty and lame.

As much as he screws around with dumb shit like the flame thrower, Falcon 9 still improves and breaks launch cadence records, Heavy creeps ever closer to a successful flight, Tesla has converted millions to loving electric cars, Tesla powerpacks are improving grid reliability around the world...

He’s one of those guys who like to smoke pot and make stupid jokes on twitter. It’s just that most stoners don’t have millions of dollars to make their infantile twitter jokes come true.

Every single absurdly rich person is a few bushels short of a harvest, but let’s face it: we’re better off having them use their craziness to be funny/developing tech that’s good for the planet, as opposed to say... investing in shitloads of banks and real estate just to hoard more wealth.

inb4 “didn’t Jones make other movies after Moon”?

Too little to late for sure, and honestly it’s more of a slap in the face.

I would eat this laptop to see Dokken play at the inauguration while Diamond Joe head bangs in a muscle tshirt.