
Primarily it is his clusterfuck of a hairstyle that drives me to ridicule his orange puffer fish ass. Seriously, does no one in his inner circle have the ballz to call out his ridiculous appearance to his face?

Because the chops it takes to be a business leader and the chops it takes to be a civic leader in a representative democracy are almost completely mutually exclusive?

So, I’m a business owner and real estate investor, and his business record is not impressive. He started with millions of his dad’s money and proceeded to use corrupt, purchased influence over politicians to build just enough equity to leverage himself to the sky. Then he used the free cash flow to make himself flashy

WOW real trump supporters! I thought they were all too busy being casual racists and having sex with their sisters to be on the internet.

Is it really worth replacing a half-decent politician with one of the worst non-politicians in history?

This is a classy strawman made of the finest 24K gold. Look at the great, tremendous quality of that argument.

Ah, the envy/jealous retort, never fails.

A few notes...

Follow your heart, buddy.

What if you discover that the goat is your true love?

As someone who breeds goats I can tell you right now that a goat’s penis extends A LOT more than 3-4 centimeters.

no, six. It mutated and grew an extra one.

Rio Olympics logo: six interlocked ring(worm)s


Yeah, this is true too. My French professor was all, “If you talk to a French dude, they will think you want to have sex. They have seen Sex and the City.”

Thank you, this is a way better way of expressing my dubiousness over the situation

This is a well-written, thought-provoking article.

To the advice-seeker: Try calling your brother on this thing called a phone. What’s important enough for only your brother to know but not important enough to have a five minute conversation?

When you think about it, genitals are weird. If it weren’t for sexuality, they’d be even more stupid. I have no idea what it is about how vaginas look that I like. But I do. I just do.