Samuel von Metternich

You’re asking the church to jettison its whole model of governance. It’s a “Mediterranean Model” or “Mafia Model.”

U.S. law contains the legal mechanisms to resurrect the Golden Age of Piracy.

It doesn’t benefit her. Warren has highly suspect political instincts, and so does Bernie in some ways. They’re both terrified of being perceived as critical of Barack Obama, so they treat Biden with kid gloves, and to a lesser degree Buttigieg, who apes Obama. It’s stupid. The whole Left has neutered its change

If I was Warren, I’d be peeved too.

Because it’s a trope; isn’t it? That woman should shut their mouths and protect men from their own behavior or expect to blamed, not for her own behavior, but his.

If you read that whole article and couldn’t smell the stench of coordination, you need to blow your nose. Take that ridiculous “four sources” angle that any decent journalist would have seen through. I’m sure Warren’s people ran that bullshit by the CNN staff first to make sure it wouldn’t get laughed off like it

Coincidentally? How naive are you? This stunt by the Warren campaign was clearly coordinated with the CNN staff and timed to coincide with the debate. Matt Taibbi did a good write-up of the whole sleazy affair. There was nothing coincidental about any of it.

The Constitution prohibits cruel and unusual punishments, not cruel or unusual.

Shooting people is evil, not crazy. Evil isn’t covered by medical insurance.