Aren’t the Hex Girls gay? They’re pretty hot.
Aren’t the Hex Girls gay? They’re pretty hot.
Nobody should be snatching flags or anything else off another person’s vehicle. When you do that, you forfeit any ethical standing to complain when the guy does the same thing to your vehicle. Doesn’t matter what the flag is. Could be a Trump flag, BLM flag, Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, whatever. People are entitled to…
How weird to be able to patent the square shape of a food product. Can a square pizza be patented?
In a pandemic, lies cost human lives.
Fauci is not a hero who will age well. His record during the pandemic is problematic at best. Has he acquitted himself better than Trump? Yes. But that’s a very low bar to clear. Fauci is emblematic of the current Democratic mania for lionizing anyone who picks a fight with Donald Trump. After Trump is gone, all these…
It’s a hell of a stretch to call Fauci “one of the most trusted voices in America.” Fauci said a whole lot of really stupid shit back in February and March, and he’s admitted that he knowingly disseminated disinformation about the efficacy of masks through March. In fact, he actively discouraged people from wearing…
Troll, my ass. You may have forgotten this, but Harris ran for President and was out of the race by December 2019, before the first votes were cast. Her polling and fundraising numbers were embarrassing for a candidate who got as much media push as she did. And yet we’re still asked to accept Kamala as a formidable…
Kamala knew when to exit the race. And for that she’ll be rewarded with VP.
This truck thing is sad. Trump used to be good at pandering to working class whites. Now that he’s thinking it through instead of doing it instinctually, he sucks at it.
Of course pundits and party insiders are still trying to manufacture a groundswell of popular support for Kamala Harris as VP. They haven’t learned a thing from their dismal failure to make Kamala’s presidential campaign happen. All that hype, and her campaign fizzled. No lessons were learned.
I fully support BLM but it’s disingenuous to say it doesn’t have a political component. BLM has specific public policy demands attached to it. That makes it political by definition. You’re trying to have your cake and eat it too if you expect your favorite movement to make policy demands AND still be considered…
Call the wahmbulance!
Why does God need people like you to explain what’s bugging him? He could appear in person and provide a detailed list of his grievances against humanity, plus instructions for how to rectify those grievances, and penalties for failing to do so. Or he could not appear and post the whole list on a website. Has he not…
I’d consider throwing some tax money at God in return for a COVID cure. If he’d just drop his stupid policy of remaining invisible and mute he could go on television and name his price. A trillion dollars cash deliverable to the Pope in Rome would be a tempting offer even though it’d be tantamount to paying a criminal…
The Catholic Church exists to worship a superbeing who could cure COVID-19 right now but chooses not to. Why should my tax dollars support such an organization?
A Senate supermajority.
It has a shot at happening. Better chance next year than in a long while, if elections go the right way.
What would it take to make establishment Democrats reconsider their sentimental attachment to Barack Obama’s crappy Heritage Club healthcare law and take a fresh look at Medicare For All?
I’m not sure how you change these co-optive and pro-establishment behaviors. Gay affluent liberals are affluent liberals after all, and if I’ve learned anything about American politics, it’s that affluent liberals are gonna do what affluent liberals do. They don’t change. And now that gays are no longer excluded…
I love your formulation: