Where does Romero's head live on the sculpture?
Where does Romero's head live on the sculpture?
If only there were any other place on the internet to read about video games...
yep. All of those are great too. I think you mean Rogue Legacy, right?
yeah, I said that to a person who was excusing this game as a budget title for $15. The misunderstanding is in the context of my question. It was a reply.
Yeah, Rogue Legacy was amazing... I need to go finish my NG+
Exactly, thanks.
You didn't answer the question, you might've well just said, "Because they are". Just because the consensus is confused only means that most people have a comprehension problems. If you see the context of my original comment as being a reply to the author of the article, then you also do not understand how the Kotaku…
I wasn't thinking about any of those. I was thinking about Super Meat Boy, Shadow Complex, Dust: An Elysian Tale, Guacamelee, Shovel Knight, etc. etc.
My initial response only indicates that if you take it completely out of context. I'm sorry if people can't comprehend how dialogue works. You would have to be a complete lunatic to not know there are a blue million amazing $15 games. That's what makes it a rhetorical question.
Never heard of it but I might look it up.
HAHA. Good idea. I didn't realize it was the same devs.
I think 2 hours is a bit of exagerration of shortness. I think 4-6 hrs is usually what a good short Indie game comes at bare minimum.
There are tons more, but that one was great.
I think it was about $15
Yeah, there are a ton. I've never heard of Mutant Mudds.
Nah, it was my fault. I replied to the same guy and got a flood of like 28 replies telling me arguingly all about the games that are awesome at $15. They misunderstood me and I was going through it and thought you had replied to me.
Yeah, it's on my wishlist.
Never heard of it, is it good?
Yep, Bastion was amazing.
Of course Shovel Knight... wake up