
Oh, cool. Thanks for info. I hope it’s on Netflix too.

as he involved in Tekkonkinkrit? Because I got a Tekkonkinkrit vibe while watching thi.... *realizes that instead of just googling this he is asking a Kotaku commenter* .... BYE

someone has an agenda...

It’s a good word. What’s the issue with “cunt”?

Putting intent in to others minds is pretty brazen. Every art decision is a copy of something else. Every creative decision borrows from others. Art does not exist in a vacuum .

Not as safe as it is to say the hyper-realistic art style is done to death now.

This header image makes it look like they won a jerking it competition.

Woah woah woah woaaaaahhhh?

Maybe if the dinguses would put it on Steam I could.

Big guy showed up. New bigger monster. Tore the wall open or something.

And Vlambeer who made it, but yeah Devolver usually picks out good games to publish.

Looks satisfying. Very Luftrausers.

I wasn’t at all interested in this, but Oswalt and Posehn is good.

1. Assuming you kn ow my time zone I guess? 2. Why do you keep insisting that we are talking about a game? I’m talking about you. I was talking about you the whole time. You are the game. You are BAD

Shhh. It’s okay, baby. It’ll be okay. I won’t let him take your video game.

There is no logic in your post.

The shit in your pants from having to deal with someone calling some video game that you have somehow creepily made part of your self-identity bad. Go get some air.

Good point, if only I could make posts with such worth as your brilliant keyboard farts.

1. Replying to a comment from 5 years ago.
