Of course tons... why are you saying this?
Of course tons... why are you saying this?
I know, that's my point
Except there are a ton of games at $15 launch price that are awesome and deserve YES, so... launch price is a dumb metric when you could either have a steak for $15, or a Happy Meal in an AirBender box for the same prices
Yeah, exactly. Shovel Knight was awesome. I'm still to play Strider but I want to.
Why is everyone acting like a response to an excuse for this game being bad that it's budget that is about how many good $15 games there are as me saying there aren't good $15 games? C'mon people.
Exactly. That's exactly my point
yep, exactly. That's my point
I'm not making an excuse, I'm retorting to a guy making an excuse. You are making point. Why are you acting like you are arguing with me?
dude, I'm replying to a guy who was making excuses. You're making my point for me
How many awesome games have you seen come out at $15?
you're insane. You say crazy things.
no it's not at all, but no I don't have a problem with fats.
I don't think you know how twitter works. You seem to think that if you don't use @ or hashtags then it somehow changes your message.
He didn't "say something he shouldn't have", he typed a string of characters describing intent to kill a public figure into a social media service and then transmitted that data so that it could be seen by anyone who wanted to read it. If it was a letter, it would be analogous with him sending Gabe a letter, and also…
Steam said as much as he was totally fine being angry. They stated the line he crossed very clearly.