
10/10, would sticker

Thar it is.

Have you really heard her stuff? I am not a country fan per se but she has songs that are great to listen too.

Hear, hear. Dolly Parton is a wonderful human being with a great heart. If other rich folks and celebrities acted like her, we’d be in a much better place.

i may not be a fan of her music, or her movies, or her theme park, or that dinner theater thing we had in orlando for a while; but i sure am a fan of who she is.

she’s a saint. and she does all these great things, and she isnt doing any of it for credit. i had to find out by a photo on facebook that i cant find.

If you look at a crack pipe and automatically assume anything about it but the fact that it is a piece of drug paraphernalia, then that’s YOUR problem.

It’s a difficult line to walk when it takes racism to recognize racism. One must equate crack with a particular demographic to understand how it can be equated to same.

irony is getting bent out of shape over a name change for a blog post while also complaining how “PC” people get bent out of shape about stuff.

Sir, this is an Arby’s

You know people can run red lights long after they are red, right? Like, the 10th car in line can get T-boned if someone runs the red light 10 seconds after it turned. Do you stop at every intersection regardless of how long the light’s been green to be sure it’s safe to proceed? You must be a joy to drive behind.

no more fusion? don’t expect a reaction from me!

Sounds like Jim couldn’t hack it as CEO

Three doors is a bit gimmicky but it’s not really hurting anything and it makes the car feel less serious, more of a character. There aren’t enough cars out there that dare to be different, if you ask me. Yeah it’s silly, but it’s also something car nerds will remember about the Veloster fifty years from now.

And Mitsubishi is now 90's Hyundai.

They’re more like peak 90s Honda, but with less bubble.

Ive had that feeling, Hyundai is the new 90s Honda.

And Im lovin that

Hyundai is kicking ass in the “cool vehicles” department.

So basically Hyundai is now where Honda was in 1986 in terms of cost and reliable innovation?

Seriously, how many of us are reading this at work and can’t take 5-10 minutes to watch a video? I almost exclusively read this site while I am at work.

I won’t spoil the story for you