
As predictable as the sunrise, some edge lord incel comes out of the woodwork and drops this gem. Life must be a real bummer when you’re this much of an asshole.

Shut the fuck up

How do you downvote on this site again..   You’re a real class act..

Speaking as someone who actually works for NASA* (and voted Democrat since 2004, if that matters), Bridenstine wasn’t bad. Exceptional? Nah, I don’t think he was that, either. But he certainly wasn’t a bogeyman like this site might make you think, nor was he ineffectual, and during our initial town halls with him he

Disagree. Regular cab + bench seat is the only way to truck.

I’ve read a lot of your posts that make this kind of point about Trek, and I have to wonder if you were really paying attention to the stories you were watching. I don’t disagree with you on the idea that humanity had bettered itself, at least amoungst itself and had found some kind of peace and cohesiveness. And

“...It’s easy to be a saint in paradise"

I see a lot of people complaining that this isn’t *real* Star Trek, because it doesn’t have that same optimism that the other series featured. I believe that viewpoint is shortsighted, because those series started as utopias *after* the apocalypses of the Eugenics Wars, World War III, et al.

1) Gene also developed the concepts that became Andromeda as a show set in the far future of Star Trek with a federation that fell apart before it was repurposed after his death into a new show. His son is an executive producer on this one and they are using some of the same concepts he developed for that series again

Are you actually watching the show or just mad at a recap? Optimistic people rebuilding their optimistic Utopia is more interesting than just more of the same running around that Utopia. 2020 needs shows about building hope to the future, not just 80-90s Trek’s handwave “We get over it yay!” backstory.

This episode literally had them talking things out with a diplomatic solution — the very epitome of Trek.

Reality taught us that optimism alone isn’t enough. We don’t get a brighter, shinier future by dreaming about one we need to go out and make it happen.

That’s what Discovery reflects, and I think it does so well. The world is broken, things are shit, but you don’t give up. You find your people, you make your family,

I’ve not yet seen this episode, but since Season 2 Discovery’s remit seems to all about keeping the light of hope burning in the darkest times. Pretty relevant to today, I think.

The only difference between 120v and 240v is the amperage of the breaker, gauge of the wire, and size of the plug...

Yup. Call me a commie all day long if you like, but in a country as rich as this one every single person should have access to the basic necessities of life. That means food, water, shelter, education, healthcare, and mobility. Doesn’t have to be fancy, but nobody should be hungry, thirsty, homeless, ignorant, sick,

Bravo on the new purchase, the past few years of Honda’s are finally edging out the Siennas in overall quality and styling IMHO (I own a 07 and 11 Sienna.. jury is out on my next van). I feel for you and your wife- the added expense of the conversion is no small thing.

There are three phases of “dream car ownership” for men.

I actually like wood on a motorcycle, but it has to be executed EXCEPTIONALLY well for it to work. Like, try this wooden Vespa instead:

So let me make sure I have all this in hand: