
You may not realize it but the complaint made against you was the best thing that could have happened.

Everything seems to piss off a good chunk of Trek fans, unless it conforms to their generation-specific memories of whatever show they’ve latched their nostalgic eyeballs onto. That myopia is a little sad, a little frustrating.

Canonized Seth McFarlane-type humor in-universe Star Trek!?! Why not!

Thankfully nobody is interested in what the “fandom” thinks. 

It’s a kid’s show, dude.

I need to stop being bitter over it, but, I see it: I recognize their passion and devotion to this project. Now, if they were to uphold such endeavors for a FF6 “Remake” Square may...just may successfully eliminate my cynicism towards them.

The anxiety this sort of shit causes me is something I’ve never experienced before. I mean, I’ve dealt with anxiety my entire life, but this absolute confirmation that I’m surrounded by fucking idiots and led by someone who would gladly kill literally everyone in the country if he thought it made him look good... it’s

I suggest that anyone seeking admittance to a hospital, after intentionally attending any gathering unmasked and without distancing, be asked to “Please wait in the morgue. Someone will be with you eventually”

I think it would be nice if we could get a list of everybody involved, and when they show up at the hospital with symptoms, tell them, “sorry, you’re responsible for your own medical decisions. Nobody would have even known you were sick if you hadn’t told us. Besides, more than 99% recover. Stay in your house.” Then

It aligns all your maracas when you dry hump it.

I’m equally confounded by my church friends that refuse to wear masks - some for religious regions.  As Christians we’re supposed to care for others and treat them how we want to be treated but I guess that doesn’t apply to wearing a mask in public to protect others.  

She should be charged with a crime. You can’t be in a position of responsibility over others’ health (let alone your own child’s!) and be this negligent.

There are an alarming number of nurses buying into crazy conspiracy theories about COVID-19, or who are dismissing it as no big deal. This shit has very real consequences.

It does come with a manual. It’s right there in the glove box.

It’s a kind of politician in a movie who could be eligible to win an Academy Award.

I respect the idea but does Kate Pierson even want to become a robot? That's a massive change just to hear Love Shack forever 

Sadly, CP.

So, what I’m getting from this is, “It’s okay, because they were following orders.”

Agreed, it was way out of line to call these officers “terrorists.” Say what you want about terrorists, but they are willing to strap a bomb to themselves and blow themselves to smithereens to back their beliefs and values. Without a big gun and an even bigger union backing them up, cops are basically pussies, just lik