
I’m not a doctor, but the labrum is cartilage rather than muscle, key to shoulder stability and a key attachment site. In that case, the best scenario is full recovery, there is no improvement to be made unless there was an existing abnormality in attachment.

It means that she’s in immense pain, potentially doing permanent damage whenever she does that. Dislocation is a concern.

I just don’t understand the culture these days.

Not to be confused with ‘Once upon a time Orson Welles Fucked a Fish... in Hollywood’ which is a better film, but showed too many toes. I mean, for the general public, not for you, of course.

This is true.

I’m very happy to see his performance so far, I thought he was the best quarterback in that draft and he is certainly fun.

Poster misconduct. No excuse was made in the comment. Upon review, the play will proceed for what little entertainment value it may provide.

And so I sought solace in the grey, but alas, could not find a post to summon into being.

Flipped to Raiders for a seventh or sixth round draft pick, that was later flipped to the Patriots for an ex-Steeler who doesn’t want to play in Pittsburgh again and retires in protest. This seventh or sixth round draft pick is then used to draft a Hall of Fame quarterback.

Weirder backstory and better shooting are both in Warframe. Destiny 2 just has very, very pretty dioramas.

Hey now, don’t give those large businesses a pass. They’re insanely managed as well.

We don’t have the data, in lieu of it, I would say that they may be weakly positively correlated, but that individual observations differ. Nothing is wholly independent and you can’t really separate creative work from the conditions of production. It is highly apparent in books and music, and sometimes visible through

I mean, if you’ve ever been employed for a corporation, or spent any time studying the society around you, you know that rampant “mismanagement” in the pursuit of short term economic gains is a central feature of late capitalism and absolutely the problem, not just in games, but across our societies. However, game

You need a center, I’ll handle your balls.

I’ll get around to it eventually.

I mean, how can you know you got the dad wrong, really? I can’t tell the difference between fathers, never having had one.

I find Duma Key and Lisey’s Story solidly among his best, but I haven’t read everything before and after the midpoint.

Joyland was also a tad shallow.

I really liked Rose Madder as well.

The real challenge is fitting nine people into a scene with Dwayne Johnson and ensuring that none of them receive more hits than any of the others, out of contractual obligation.